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Introducing the Divine Council Worldview

YOUTUBE & OTHER LINKS: ONE-SENTENCE TAKEAWAY: The biblical story is about God reclaiming the nations through Christ and believers. SUMMARY: Dr. Michael Heiser presents an overview of the Divine Council worldview in biblical theology. IDEAS: God disinherited the nations at Babel, assigning them to lesser divine beings. God called Abraham to create his […]

How to Approach The Bible

YOUTUBE & OTHER LINKS: SUMMARY: Dr. Michael Heiser discusses his view of Scripture and inspiration, rejecting traditional misconceptions and emphasizing a providential process. IDEAS: Inspiration is not a paranormal event or trance, but a providential process. Biblical writers were fully engaged, prepared by God for a specific occasion and agenda. Inspiration should be […]

The Divine Council

YOUTUBE & OTHER LINKS: ONE-SENTENCE TAKEAWAY: The divine council worldview, grounded in Scripture, is essential for accurately understanding God’s plan to restore human participation in his rule. SUMMARY: Dr. Michael Heiser introduces the concept of the divine council in biblical theology in a 25-minute video. IDEAS: The divine council consists of spiritual beings, […]

Michael Heiser Approach To Teaching

VIDEO & OTHER LINKS: ONE-SENTENCE TAKEAWAY: Heiser’s Naked Bible Podcast eschews typical sermon styles to cultivate theological thinkers through in-depth scriptural analysis. SUMMARY: Dr. Michael Heiser introduces his approach to teaching the Naked Bible Podcast, focusing on building biblical theology knowledge through text analysis. IDEAS: Heiser will not provide scripted sermons or alliterated […]

The Intersection of Science, Philosophy, and Belief in a Theistic God

In this podcast, the speaker, Dr. Stephen Meyer, discusses the intersection of science, philosophy, and religion, particularly focusing on the debate surrounding Intelligent Design (ID) and the demarcation problem in science. The discussion revolves around defining what constitutes true science versus pseudoscience and the implications of restricting scientific inquiry to purely materialistic explanations. Key Points […]

3rd Generation Atheist Meets Jesus, Gets Shown The Door

Sy Garte is a 3rd generation atheist. He went on to become a scientist and in his education, Garte found many inconsistencies between what he was taught as a kid and what science was showing him. Garte found that there were many things happening that science could not explain. This gave him the idea that […]