The Divine Council

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The divine council worldview, grounded in Scripture, is essential for accurately understanding God's plan to restore human participation in his rule.


Dr. Michael Heiser introduces the concept of the divine council in biblical theology in a 25-minute video.


  • The divine council consists of spiritual beings, not humans or idols, as evidenced in Psalms.
  • Elohim is a term used for various spiritual beings, indicating their realm, not unique attributes.
  • The divine council is where God issues decrees and accomplishes his will, with hierarchy and roles.
  • God's original intent was for humans to be part of his divine council family, restored in Revelation.
  • Some divine council members rebelled, like the serpent in Genesis 3 and the shading territorial entities.
  • The divine council participates in decision-making, as seen in 1 Kings 22 and Daniel 4.
  • God's foreknowledge does not necessitate predestination; he knows all things real and possible (1 Samuel 23).
  • Cherubim and seraphim are throne guardians, with Mesopotamian and Egyptian origins respectively.
  • Biblical writers used familiar iconography and terms from their cultural contexts, like Isaiah and Hezekiah.
  • Understanding the divine council is crucial for interpreting Scripture accurately, not relying solely on tradition.
  • The divine council worldview stems from Deuteronomy 32 and is essential for the Naked Bible Podcast.
  • God desires to include humans in his divine council, as his imagers and co-rulers on earth.
  • The divine council is involved in decreeing judgments, like Nebuchadnezzar's insanity, for God's glory.
  • Yahweh is incomparable and unique among the elohim, but their existence is not denied.


  • The divine council worldview is essential for accurately interpreting Scripture in its original context.
  • God's ultimate plan is to restore humans to their intended role in his divine family council.
  • The biblical writers used culturally familiar terms and imagery to communicate spiritual truths to their audience.
  • God's sovereignty and the free will of spiritual and human agents are compatible in the divine council.
  • Recognizing the divine council helps resolve apparent contradictions about God's uniqueness and other spiritual beings.
  • The hierarchy and roles within the divine council reflect God's orderly rule over creation.
  • Yahweh's incomparability among the elohim is based on his unique attributes, not denying their existence.
  • The divine council is involved in executing God's decrees, participating in decision-making for his glory.
  • Foreknowledge and predestination are not synonymous; God knows all possibilities but doesn't predetermine everything.
  • Humans are created to be imagers of God and participate in his rule, which will be fully restored.


  • "The divine council is in the spiritual realm, it is not on the earthly realm, it's in the heavens."
  • "They sacrifice to demons, not God, to gods they had not known, to new gods that had recently come along."
  • "Yahweh is an elohim, but no other elohim is Yahweh. He is incomparable."
  • "The divine council is where the cosmos is directed. It's where God issues decrees and gets things done."
  • "As many as received him, to them he gave the authority to become the sons of God."
  • "The book of Revelation ends with Eden again, and all these descriptions in the New Testament about believers."
  • "I don't care what tradition says, I don't care what theology books say, I don't care what the creeds say."
  • "If God knows possible things that are not real, then those possible things cannot be predestinated because they don't happen."
  • "God foreknew two things in this passage...that do not happen. Therefore, foreknowledge does not necessitate predestination."
  • "God runs things through his council, through unseen divine beings, and human believers too."


  • Studying Scripture in its original languages and ancient Near Eastern context for accurate interpretation.
  • Relying on the biblical text as the ultimate authority, over tradition, creeds, or theological systems.
  • Recognizing the compatibility of God's sovereignty and the free will of spiritual and human agents.
  • Viewing God's ultimate plan as the restoration of human participation in his divine council rule.
  • Interpreting biblical terms and imagery in light of the authors' cultural and linguistic contexts.
  • Acknowledging the existence and roles of spiritual beings in the unseen realm, like the divine council.
  • Seeing believers' identity and destiny as "sons of God" and co-rulers with Christ in the restored Eden.
  • Upholding God's incomparability and uniqueness while recognizing the reality of other spiritual beings.
  • Understanding the divine council's involvement in decision-making and executing God's decrees for his glory.
  • Distinguishing between God's foreknowledge of all possibilities and his predestination of actual events.


  • The divine council consists of spiritual beings, not humans or idols, as evidenced in biblical passages.
  • Elohim is a term used for various spiritual beings, indicating their realm, not a set of attributes.
  • God's original intent was for humans to be part of his divine council family, restored in Revelation.
  • Some divine council members rebelled, like the serpent in Genesis 3 and the shading territorial entities.
  • The divine council participates in decision-making, as seen in 1 Kings 22 and Daniel 4.
  • God's foreknowledge does not necessitate predestination; he knows all things real and possible (1 Samuel 23).
  • Cherubim and seraphim are throne guardians, with Mesopotamian and Egyptian origins respectively.
  • Biblical writers used familiar iconography and terms from their cultural contexts, like Isaiah and Hezekiah.
  • The divine council worldview stems from Deuteronomy 32 and is essential for the Naked Bible Podcast.
  • Yahweh is incomparable and unique among the elohim, but their existence is not denied in Scripture.


  • Psalm 82 and Psalm 89 - The divine council consists of spiritual beings, not humans.
  • Deuteronomy 32:17 and 1 Corinthians 10 - Demons are real spiritual entities, not idols or non-existent.
  • Isaiah and Zephaniah - Phrases like "none beside me" indicate incomparability, not denying other beings' existence.
  • 1 Samuel 28 - The medium at Endor sees the disembodied Samuel, referred to as elohim.
  • Genesis 1:26 and Revelation - God's original intent and ultimate restoration of humans in the divine council.
  • 1 Kings 22 - The divine council's participation in decision-making and executing God's decrees.
  • Daniel 4 - The watchers' involvement in decreeing Nebuchadnezzar's judgment for God's glory.
  • 1 Samuel 23 - God's foreknowledge of David and Saul's actions that did not happen, showing foreknowledge ≠ predestination.
  • Hezekiah's seal - Biblical writers' use of culturally familiar iconography and terms, like cherubim and seraphim.


  • Study the divine council passages in their original languages and ancient Near Eastern context for deeper understanding.
  • Prioritize the authority of Scripture over tradition, creeds, or theological systems when interpreting the divine council.
  • Recognize the compatibility of God's sovereignty and the free will of spiritual and human agents in the cosmos.
  • View believers' identity and destiny as "sons of God" and co-rulers with Christ in the restored Eden.
  • Interpret biblical terms and imagery, like elohim and shading, in light of the authors' cultural contexts.
  • Acknowledge the existence and roles of spiritual beings in the unseen realm, as described in Scripture.
  • Uphold God's incomparability and uniqueness while recognizing the reality of other spiritual beings he created.
  • Understand the divine council's involvement in decision-making and executing God's decrees for his ultimate glory.
  • Distinguish between God's foreknowledge of all possibilities and his predestination of actual events in history.
  • Share the divine council worldview with others to deepen their understanding of God's plan in Scripture.


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